Pastel portraits from the natural world

Wildlife Art


Canvas and paper editions available...

Wildlife art workshops

coming up...

A step by step introduction to creating pastel wildlife portraits

Artist in residence

At Nature in Art, Oct 2023

I spent a week as Artist in Residence at Nature in Art in Gloucestershire. Got lot of great feedback from visitors about my new Acrylic work, and sold lots of paintings.

It was also a pleasure to meet the members of The Wildlife Art Society International (TWASI) on their Annual Members Day. I was invited to this event as guest speaker.

The day also involved a critique of everybody's work with me leading the discussion. It is always amazing to see the variety of styles and approaches to wildlife art. I came away feeling very inspired. Will definitely be joining TWASI!

I've been busy working on

Lots of new original artwork

Instagram feed

I post every few days so following me on instagram is a great way to keep up to date with new work and upcoming events

Harrogate Art Fair

Great Yorkshire Showground

Oct 24

May 24

TWASI Annual Exhibition

Nature in Art

Nov 24

Manchester Art Fair

Manchester Central

Aug 24

Art in the Pen

Skipton Auction Mart


Read about what's been happening in my Blog...