Fundraising for Ukraine


11/17/20222 min read

I think everybody found it hard to watch the news when Russia invaded Ukraine. The amount of people who lost everything in almost no time was shocking. it seemed easier to do something, however small than to just watch the crisis unfold on a daily basis. I never work small, but have often been asked for “something that would actually for in a sensible space” I decided that there was a market for smaller stuff, and this was a good reason to try something different.

I released a new A4 original every 3 days, only available on ebay and you had to bid (no “buy it now”!) I was hoping that people would get a bit carried away knowing that all the money was going to a good cause. I also pledged to cover the postage and ebay fees out of my own pocket so that 100% of the sale price would go to help Ukraine.

People really entered into the spirit of this and the bidding was exciting to watch. In the end the 4 pictures raised just under £1,500 all of which I donated to DEC who were coordinating the humanitarian response to the war.